Role: Full Stack Software Engineer
About: I was sent here from my previous company 314e Healthcare to help them build their product but after some time i became a permanent employee in this company.
Technology: React Native, MySQL, Next JS, Turborepo, Keystone JS, SEO Schemas, PWA(Progressive Web App), GraphQl, Goole Business Api's, Google Maps Api's, React JS, Rollup js, Monorepo, Python, Prisma, Workbox, React Query, Zustand, CSR(Client Side Rendering), ISR(Incremental Static Regeneration), SSG(Static Site Generation), SSR(Server Side Rendering), Service Worker, Node, Express, AWS (EC2, dynamoDB), Docker, Mixpanel, Redux, Tailwind, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Storybook, webpack, Figma, Animations, Git, YAML
- Creating a Brownfield Project at Eka Care, Integrating Exsisting Android/IOS App with React Native. Download now Android IOS
- Create your Google my business profile, to boost your digital presence, Download now Android IOS
- Doctor self onboarding flow, Download now Android IOS
- Doctor dicovery platform on Android, Download now Android IOS
- Worked with Elastic Search Query for autosuggestion
- Documented api's with swagger
- CMS (Content Management System) for
- WhatsApp Template Generation
- Notification via SMS, Push Notification, WhatsApp
- Worked in Backend for Creating Database for Doctor Profile
- Booking Appointment Flow
- Manage Calendar For Doctors
- Edit and Update Profile
- Design System
About: Creating a design system for a doctor client application/website so that it is easier to manage later, have reusable components and the designer has full freedom to design. Design Pattern: Atomic Design Methodology by Brad Frost
- Eka Care App (Our app has 2 M+ downloads, if you haven’t started using it yet. Just try it, you'll never go back.) Android IOS
About: Worked on Booking flow, for doctors, staff, patients, cowin vaccination booking and managing them.
Role: Software Engineer
Technology: Git, React JS, Redux, Figma, Kea JS, Ant Design, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, React Query, YAML
- WildDuck UI
About: It’s a mail server admin panel for managing the users. And to keep track of the daily quota usage and their active time period
- Penknife
About: It handles the candidate’s data who has applied for job in our company and keeps track of rounds qualified, eligible for interview, status, etc.
Innovacx - (05th Jan, 2020 - 30th Jun, 2020) Role: Software Engineer
Technology: Groovy, Oracle Applications Cloud, Oracle Sales Cloud, Oracle Integration Cloud, VBCS
Academic details:
Role: Frontend Developer Intern
Technology: JAVA, JSP (Jakarta Server Pages), HTML
Personal Projects:
About: It's a push notification system for the website, which sends notification to the user.
Technology: HTML, CSS, Node JS, Express JS, Prisma, MySQL
About: It looks like Netflix. It shows movies poster, about the movie and it's trailer.
Technology: HTML, CSS, React JS
About: Dashboard for Shoppy, It shows the list of products, and it's details. It also show the inflation rate using graph, it also has shopping cart, one can easily manage his/her calendar, it even have a trello like task tracker, and a rich text editor.
Technology: HTML, CSS, React JS
Portfolio - (15th Oct, 2021 - 20th Oct, 2021) About: Welcomes people who visits it and contains my social media links and resume link.
Technology: HTML, CSS, React JS, Three Js, React Spring
About: It`s a webapp that use rust compiled binaries to process the image. Processing the image with Javascript puts a load on the main thread, instead rust takes care of processing the image, it uses cpu of the machine and provide the output back to the javascript thread as a stream of data. which is then displayed to the screen by javascript.
Technology: HTML, CSS, Javascript, RUST, Webpack, babel
About: Tells about me, supports light/dark mode.
Technology: HTML, CSS, React JS, Three Js, React Spring
About: Tells World Rank
Technology: HTML, CSS, React JS
About: Shows in graphs and visuals the current condition or the world in Covid-19.
Technology: HTML, CSS, React JS
Professional working proficiency
Native or bilingual proficiency
Publisher: Orbi Health PVT Ltd
Summary: Given the ongoing covid-19 pandemic situation, if you want to travel abroad, linking your passport details with your vaccination certificate is necessary.
Hackathon - 16th Jun, 2019
Awarder: Virtusa
Summary: Won Hackathon conducted by Virtusa on Full-Stack Development
Blind Coding - 16th Jun, 2019
Awarder: GITAM
Summary: More than 300+ students participated in it
Sketching, Learning new things, Solving Coding Problems, Playing Guitar, Skating, Playing ChessReferences:
Role: Founder CEO at Eka Care ( connected health ), Ex-CTO, CoFounder at Volunteer Architect Aarogya Setu ( GOI, Contact Tracing App)
About: Worked on Next gen Crawl & Search Technologies. Working on Travel Platforms. Specialties: Python, Search Technologies, Django, SOLR, Scalability
Role: Fullstack Developer at Orbi Health | Volunteer Contributor @ Aarogyasetu | Ex Senior Software Engineer - II at Goibibo
About: Front-end engineer. Skilled in technologies like React, React Native, Node, Backbone, jQuery. Previously worked at SapientNitro as Interactive Developer in IDEAL(Sapient platform) team. Strong engineering professional with a B.Tech focused in Computer Science from NIT-Bhopal.
Role: CEO at 314e corp | IT Products and Services
About: Abhishek has worked in Healthcare IT since 1996 when he was involved in the custom development of one of the largest and most sophisticated EHR’s in the history of the HIT industry. This project was awarded the 1999 Davies Award. He subsequently provided leadership on several Enterprise EHR projects including the largest Epic implementation to date, resulting in the formation of 314e Corporation. He has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. He handles all escalations personally, and takes pride in always putting the customer first.